WELCOME TO the OFFICIAL wEbsite OF rev. dr. Isaac mills-owoo

Inspiring Practical

Uncle Ike is a gifted and transformational preacher whose passion is to help followers integrate biblical theories into real living experiences, and challenge individuals to continually grow toward Christian maturity.

Ministry Areas

Experienced Pastoral Counselor with a demonstrated history of working with youth and seniors. Skilled in Pastoral Care, Biblical Studies, Church Events, Counseling Psychology, and Youth Ministry.

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About me

Meet Uncle Ike, a transformative preacher known for his compelling blend of biblical wisdom and real-world application. Discover his life of academic achievement, spiritual growth, and commitment to nurturing Christian maturity.

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A Theology Of Marriage and Family: A Challenge To Same-Sex Relationships

Rev. Dr. Isaac Mills-Owoo, goes beyond his faith and adduces evidence from social sciences to the field of marriage and family-life in our contemporary society. This book will definitely be beneficial not only to people of faith, but sociologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, marriage counselors and researchers in marriage and family life in general.

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Called to Inspire, Raise & Nurture the Next Generation of


Learn to preach the Bible and equip the church


Become a clinically trained, biblically faithful counselor

Ministry leaders

Learn to lead faithful and effective ministries


Learn to live as children of light in a dark world

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