Equipping the Saints for Ministry

Rev. Ike is called and equipped to prepare your mind and heart for faithful ministry in the local church.

Marriage & Family Therapist

This is a specialized area for helping trained professionals to be readily available to handle marriage and family conflicts within communities.

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Pastoral Counselling & Christian Apologetics

This discipline introduces Church Leaders to develop a Shepherding heart to oversee people in the church. Studies usually include a number of critical learning areas such as  the Art of Preaching,

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Practical Christian Living

Practical Christian Living course is designed to help a person grow from his/her initial commitment to Christ to a level of spiritual maturity till they can confidently disciple others (2 Timothy 2:1,2).

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Building Families & Relationships

With the increase in divorces world wide and dissatisfaction expressed by many married and divorced individuals, there a great need for seasoned and trained Relationship

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Training Ministers & Leaders

Not all serious Christians feel that call and burden to enter into full-time Ministry. The extensive Nature of Pastoral Ministry requires Lay people to enhance their knowledge and skills

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